Why Choose Cone Penetration Testing (CPTu) over traditional methods?

Cone Penetration Testing (CPTu) is an in-situ soil investigation technique used to determine soil behavior and stratification. During the testing process, a cone-shaped test probe is pushed into the ground and provides real-time data regarding the following properties: 1) Cone Tip Resistance 2) Sleeve Friction and 3) Pore Water Pressure.

Advantages of the CPTu include:

  • CPTu provides in situ geotechnical soil characteristics in real-time, providing the opportunity to review the test data in a timely fashion by reducing the wait time between data collection and data analysis, an important factor in time-critical projects
  • Testing via CPTu provides a near-continuous record of subsurface conditions allowing one to identify thin soil zones which may otherwise be missed using regular drilling and sampling methods. Thus, by using CPTu, characteristics of soils that may be challenging to sample may be evaluated.
  • CPTu is substantially faster than the traditional Standard Penetration Test (SPT) in the preparation of a profile, allowing oneto investigate more locationpoints on-site in less amount of time.
  • CPTuoffers high accuracy and is a cost-effective solution compared to conventional drilling, sampling, & laboratory testing
  • Minimal site disturbance – CPTu does not require boreholes resulting in minimal clean-up and limited surface restoration
  • CPTu provides information on water pore pressure, which is not feasible using SPT

Overall, CPTu is a fast, accurate and inexpensive soil investigation method. Contact the expert team at Dutch Cone today to see how CPT can help you with your project!

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